Visit Saint Paul's as we celebrate our 250th anniversary!


Frequently Asked Questions


Q.  How do I contact Saint Paul's or find the address?

A.  You may email us at or call us at 336-227-5345.  Please visit our contact us page by clicking here.


Q.  How do I request flowers to be placed on the altar in memory or in honor of someone?

A.  Please  contact a member at Saint Paul's to assist with this request by emailing us at or calling us at 336-227-5345.


Q.  Is Saint Paul's a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)?

A.  Yes, Saint Paul's is a member of the North Carolina Synod of the ELCA.


Q.  What is the congregation and worship service like at Saint Paul's?

A.  Saint Paul's is a historic spirit-filled, traditional liturgy and the congregation is a very friendly, caring, multi-generational and family oriented body of Christ.


Q.  What is Lutheran and what is different about the Lutheran Church?

A.  The word Lutheran stems from Martin Luther who was a 16th century German reformer that helped launch the Protestant Reformation.  Lutherans proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  To learn more about the Lutheran theology and teaching, please click here.


Q.  What type of music is played during services?

A.  Saint Paul's primarily worships using traditional hymns using instruments such as organs, piano and acoustic guitar.  Hymns are accompanied by a talented choir.


Q.  What is the primary language of services and the congregation?

A.  English is the primary language used at Saint Paul's.


Q.  What happens during a worship service?

A.  Services at Saint Paul's are traditional spoken and sung liturgy.  Choir accompanied hymns are sung and traditional instruments are used.  A sermon is typically given by the Pastor and prayers, creeds and scripture readings are spoken.  Holy Communion is celebrated on 1st and 3rd Sundays and all Festivals.


Q.  What is Holy Communion?

A.  This is the meal of the Baptized celebrated according to Christ's command, "Do this in remembrance of me."  As Lutherans we believe that Christ is truly present in, with, and under the elements of bread and wine.  We cannot comprehend how this great mystery can be, but believe Christ's promise when he says, "This is my body/blood given for you."  At St. Paul's, grape juice is also  provided for those who prefer it.  Visitors who are baptized are welcome to receive this gift with us.


Q.  What if I am not a Christian?

A.  All are welcome at Saint Paul's.  We have Sunday School opportunities for children and adults, as well as an occasional pastor's class for adults that would teach the basics of Christianity and Lutheranism. Holy Baptism is celebrated as the sacrament through which one is welcomed as a Christian into the Lord's family.