250th Anniversary Celebration
Saint Paul's 250th Anniversary
It is with great joy and thanksgiving that we announce the 250th anniversary of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (1770 – 2020). Additionally we will also mark 200 years of Mt. Pleasant Lutheran Chapel. We have a number of events planned throughout 2020 to celebrate this anniversary as we commemorate our history and look to the future with anticipation. Below, you will see a list of “save the dates” for these planned events. We are happy to extend the invitation to all our past and present members, extended family, and our surrounding community to come and rejoice with us as you are able.
St. Paul’s 250th Anniversary: “Save the Dates”
Sunday, January 26th -- Covered-dish luncheon with guest speaker, Mark Chilton; Anniversary books will be available for purchase
Saturday, April 25th -- Cemetery Tours / Beef Stew and Pinto Bean Fundraiser Dinner
Sunday, May 3rd, 10th and 17th-- Sunday School Series w/ Clyde Christmas and Pastor Hooks
Sunday, May 17th -- Memorial Sunday at St. Paul’s; covered-dish lunch to follow service as well as anniversary photo of congregation
Sunday, May 24th -- Memorial Sunday at Mt. Pleasant; covered-dish picnic to follow service as well as Anniversary photo of congregation (commemoration of 200th Anniversary)
Sunday, September 20th -- Homecoming at Mt. Pleasant; picnic to follow service as well as Part II of 200th Anniversary commemoration
Sunday, September 27th -- St. Paul’s is 250 years old!! Oktoberfest celebration for church members, their families and invited guests
Saturday, November 7th -- Men’s BBQ & Sons of the American Revolution to hold ceremony to mark graves of Revolutionary War Soldiers
Sunday, December 20th -- Children’s Christmas Play / Congregational covered-dish lunch