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Peace - Musician's Minute September 2021

This month's "Pastor's Column" comes from our Director of Music, Mark J. Harris.

Peace --- such a simple word that in today’s maddening world can seem to be in short supply.  From the ongoing concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the drought and wildfires in the west, to earthquakes and tornadoes in Haiti, to the worry, angst, anger, or even the “why did I go” thoughts those who fought in Afghanistan are feeling at the sudden political changes there, to anything in one’s own family circle that may be weighing on their heart, mind, and spirit it is all enough for one to want to say “Enough! I want out!”

The English clergyman Henry W. Baker (1821-1877) was well regarded for his “simple language, smoothness of rhythm and earnestness of utterance” (, writing original texts or translating texts into English to numerous hymns, several of which are in the LBW. There is one that Pastor Hooks and I discovered this past Wednesday that neither of us was familiar with, and I think is very appropriate for these tumultuous times we are in. 


O God of Love, O King of Peace  (LBW 414)

O God of love, O King of Peace,
Make wars throughout the world to cease;
our greed and sinful wrath restrain.
Give peace, O God, give peace again.
Remember, Lord, your works of old,
The wonders that our elders told;
Remember not our sins’ dark stain.
Give peace, O God, give peace again.
Whom shall we trust but you, O Lord?
Where rest but on your faithful Word?
None ever called on you in vain.
Give peace, O God, give peace again.


If you are like me, just reading the words gives a sense of focus, a sense of peace, reminding me of what our God is capable of if we will only lift our cares and concerns to Him.

 As a musician, it is all too easy to get wrapped up in the technical aspect of music during Sunday worship focusing solely on the notes, the volume of the organ, the tempo, the stops (voices) I’m selecting on the organ and not allowing myself to actually read, reflect and “listen” to the words of the liturgy and the hymns allowing myself to focus on the message that God is trying to tell me through the text that He guided the hymn writers to pen.

Yes, the events of the world are often overwhelming. Yes, we want to say “Enough!”  Yes, we may want to give up. Yes, we may think all is lost or for naught. But as Vicar Baker penned in the last verse of this hymn,

Where saints and angels dwell above
All hearts are knit in holy love;
Oh, bind us in that heav’nly chain.
Give peace, O God, give peace again.

we are reminded and told very simply that we are one body in Christ, in His church, His family, and in His kingdom.

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