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Jesus, Our Love, Is Crucified - Pastor's Column March 2023

The season of Lent has begun, and therefore we find ourselves in an intentional season of reflection, self-examination, and repentance as we journey to Good Friday and the cross of Christ. It can be a very somber time, but it is also a season of love. After all, why is Jesus crucified?  It is out of love for us that he was willing to suffer death for us, that we could be redeemed from death and live with him forever. Not only does Jesus love us with a perfect love that is stronger than death, but he is Love.

This month I want to share the text of a hymn that does not appear in our Lutheran Book of Worship. The beautiful text was written by Frederick Faber (1814-1863) and usually bears the name, “O Come and Mourn with Me Awhile.”  And while there is significant mourning for the crucifixion of Jesus embodied in the text, there is also a great focus on the love that Jesus is.  Each verse ends with the haunting phrase, “Jesus, our Love, is crucified.”  I’m particularly struck by the verses that indicate that what Jesus was truly found guilt of was “too much love.” Alas, it was this Love of God—which again is Jesus himself—that conquers sin and death, and gives us the victory.


O Come and Mourn with Me Awhile

O come and mourn with me awhile;

See, Mary calls us to her side;

O come and let us mourn with her:

Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


Have we no tears to shed for him,

While soldiers scoff and Jews deride?

Ah, look how patiently he hangs:

Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


How fast his hands and feet are nailed;

His blessed tongue with thirst is tied;

His failing eyes are blind with blood:

Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


His Mother cannot reach his face;

She stands in helplessness beside;

Her heart is martyred with her Son’s:

Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


Seven times he spoke, seven words of love;

And all three hours his silence cried

For mercy on the souls of men:

Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


What was Thy crime, my dearest Lord?

By earth, by heaven, Thou hast been tried,

And guilty found of too much love:

Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


Found guilty of excess love,

It was Thine own sweet will that tied

Thee tighter far than helpless nails:

Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


O break, O break, hard heart of mine;

Thy weak self-love and guilty pride

His Pilate and his Judas were:

Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


A broken heart, a fount of tears,

Ask, and they will not be denied;

A broken heart love’s cradle is:

Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


O Love of God; O sin of Man!

In this dread act your strength is tried;

And victory remains with Love:

For He, our Love, is crucified.


May the Peace of the Lord be with you.

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